Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To be specific....

Sometimes you have to reach a point in life before you make an honest decision to make a change.  New Year's day comes and you make your resolution.  You do it because it's the new year and that's the time to start over, to make that change that you've been putting off all year.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Funeral Drive

My old band has a show on the horizon, like our facebook page and keep an eye out!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010, looking back on the previous year...I have to say....I've had worse.  I've seen a lot of people posting on facebook about how they can't wait until 2010 is over, that it was such a horrible year and they just want it to be over.  Hate to break it to ya, but numbers on a calendar aren't gonna change anything.  Be negative, get negative.  Last year was a wild ride, I come out of it with a grin on my face, wiping a little dust off my shoulders.  I resolve to be happy and enjoy life.  2011....let's do this!